
Valuation of Freight Transportation Contracts under Uncertainty, Tsai, M.-T., Saphores, J-D, and A. Regan. Transportation Research Part E, forthcoming.

Freight Transportation Derivatives Contracts: State of the Art and Future Developments, Tsai, M.-T., Regan, A. and J.-D. Saphores, Transportation Journal, forthcoming.

Walking, Urban Design, and Health: Toward a Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework. M. Boarnet, M. Greenwald, and T. McMillan, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2008, forthcoming.

Agglomeration Potential: The Spatial Scale of Industry Linkages in the Southern California Economy. R. Funderburg, and M. Boarnet, Growth and Change, 2008, forthcoming.

Key Relationships Between the Built Environment and VMT. David Brownstone, Draft report submitted to the Transportation Research Board Committee for the Study on the Relationships Among Development Patterns, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Energy, September, 2008.

Schedule Competition Revisited. Jan Brueckner, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, forthcoming. (PDF)

Manipulable Congestion Tolls. Jan Brueckner and Erik Verhoef, Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming. (PDF)

Stent (or Dagger?) in the Heart of Town: Urban Freeways in Syracuse, 1944-1967. Joseph F. DiMento, Journal of Planning History 2009 8: 133-161

The process of information propagation in a traffic stream with a general vehicle headway: a revisit. Xiubin Wang, T. M. Adams, W.-L. Jin, and Qiang Meng, Transportation Research Part C, 2009. Accepted.

A study on information throughput of inter-vehicle communications in a unidirectional traffic stream. Zhe Wang, Wei Lu, and W.-L. Jin, Proceedings of International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, 2009. (PDF)

Instantaneous connectivity of one-dimensional inter-vehicle communication networks with general traffic conditions. W.-L. Jin and W. W. Recker, Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2009.

An Analytical Model of Multihop Connectivity of Inter-Vehicle Communication Systems. W.-L. Jin and W. W. Recker, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2008. Accepted. (PDF)

Modeling connectivity of inter-vehicle communication systems with road-side stations. W.-L. Jin and H.-J. Wang, The Open Transportation Journal, 2008 2:1-6. (PDF)

Autonet: Inter-vehicle communication and network vehicular traffic. W. W. Recker, W.-L. Jin, X. Yang, and J. Marca, International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, 2008 1(3/4):306-319. (PDF)

Instantaneous information propagation in free flow, synchronized flow, stop-and-go waves in a cellular automaton model. Rui Jiang, W.-L. Jin, and Qing-Song Wu, Chinese Physics B, 2008 17(3):829-835.